In a world increasingly dependent on electronics, non-linear loads are becoming more and more common. These loads, such as variable frequency drives, rectifiers and LED lighting equipment, introduce high harmonic distortion into the power grid. While standard transformers can do the job in many applications, when it comes to powering loads with high total harmonic distortion (THD), a more specialized solution is required.

Why are conventional transformers not sufficient?

Traditional transformers are not designed to withstand the harmonic currents generated by nonlinear loads. These additional currents can cause excessive heating of the windings and magnetic core, significantly shortening equipment lifetime and, in extreme cases, even causing failure.

The solution: K-factor transformers

EREMU, with its extensive experience in the design and manufacture of transformers, offers a tailor-made solution for this type of application: K-factor transformers. These equipments are specially designed to operate in environments with high harmonic distortion, thanks to a careful design of the materials and the incorporation of advanced manufacturing techniques.

What are the benefits of K-factor transformers?

Increased durability: Designed to withstand high harmonic currents, K-factor transformers have a significantly longer service life than standard transformers.
Less heat: Thanks to their optimized design, these transformers generate less heat, which reduces the risk of overheating and improves energy efficiency.
Increased reliability: K-factor transformers offer more stable and reliable operation, even under difficult operating conditions.
Adaptability: EREMU can manufacture customized K-factor transformers to meet the specific needs of each customer, ensuring an optimal solution for any application.


If you are looking for a reliable and durable solution for powering non-linear loads, EREMU’s special fabrications, in particular K-factor transformers, are the ideal choice. By investing in a transformer designed specifically for your application, you can extend the life of your equipment, reduce maintenance costs and ensure optimal operation of your installation.

Contact us to learn more about our K-factor transformers and find the perfect solution for your project!


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